100% Non-Toxic Healing: The FDPO12 Modality
Food, Drink, Prayer and Oils for the 12 systems of the body
(14 mins read time that can change your life)
A system of healing that is newer than modern science and as ancient as time itself!
FDPO12 or Food, Drink, Prayer and Oils for the 12 systems of the body is a wholistic healing modality that utilizes natural food, drink, prayer, and specially prepared healing oils called ‘Slingstones’. The ingredients in the Slingstones, are first detected by the immune cells in the skin, then passed on to the white blood cells – ultimately reaching systematic circulation – a complex bodily process conducted by blood vessels supplying oxygen, nutrients and healing throughout the body and removing carbon dioxide and waste.
Since the beginning of time, these four processes – Food, Drink, Prayer and Oil have been divinely available to take wholistic healing & cure into the body.
FOOD & DRINK: Food and drink when it is of the right kind, can both nourish and heal the body. The key operative word however is ‘the right kind’, and that is discussed in greater detail a little later in this article.
A PRAYER OF FAITH: Prayer connects the body, soul and spirit to the Divine who is the source of all life & healing. When the connection between the life-giving spirit in us, and its creator, is strengthened, the soul is rejuvenated, enabling the body to receive this healing. Prayer does not have to be complicated, it is a simple act of faith, whereby, you believe in the one true God, his power and his love, and ask him for what you want. It can be done anywhere, and at any time, and when coming from a humble and contrite spirit it warrants a response. The best thing is that neither of these two powerful forces – Prayer & Faith, cost a penny!
Read the Story Behind this functional method of healing: Raising the COVID19 Dead by the Wisdom and Power of God
HEALING OIL: Oil, infused with natural ingredients containing healing properties, is first recognized by the body’s own system for cure – the immune system. It is then quickly and effectively carried to the specific location where it is needed through systemic circulation. Because these ingredients are used without compromise to their divine & natural synergy, they work with and not against the immune system. Much like healthy and all-natural food that is seamlessly digested and assimilated in the body, these natural and wholesome ingredients are received and quickly utilized in the right way to render healing.
For ever since the creation of the world His invisible nature and attributes, even His eternal power and Godhead (uniqueness), have been made intelligible and clearly discernible in and through the things that have been made (His handiworks). Romans 1:20
The scriptures confirm that God has put his divine attributes in all that he has created – even his eternal power and his uniqueness (Godhead). Take for instance a simple seed, in it is contained the life of many, many trees (representing God’s eternal power). And it is unique, varying from every other seed even from the same tree (his Godhead). Another example I could give is our planet Earth itself, it is unique from every other planet in the solar system, representing God’s invisible attribute of uniqueness. And it is suspended in space in constant motion – to sustain all living creatures on it. Letting us clearly discern God’s invisible eternal power.
In the same way, nature is full of His handiwork perfect for the healing of the body, but it is important to use them without compromise or interference to their divine qualities. It is only then that we can expect them to work without side effects.
For example, let’s take one of the ingredients I infused into the oil to heal the bacterial infection for Sheka, Neem or Azadirachta indica (botanical name) leaves – Numerous studies show how the leaves of this tree have antibacterial activity against various bacterial species, including E. coli, Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, and Pseudomonas. Furthermore, they have also been shown to disrupt the formation and structure of biofilms (a system that enables the bacteria’s survival matrix), which are difficult to remove with conventional antibiotics because of their tolerance to it (see references below).
But the leaves have to be used whole and without adulteration to their divine qualities. When you start stripping ‘this’ off and adding ‘that’, and chipping ‘this’ and enhancing ‘that’ by synthetic means, the body, first cannot recognize it, and second, in time, will form resistance to it rendering it useless, toxic and counterproductive.
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9195866/: The Antimicrobial Potential of the Neem Tree Azadirachta indica
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8464248/ Extract of neem (Azadirachta indica) leaf exhibits bactericidal effect against multidrug resistant pathogenic bacteria.
As you will read in the book, when the strongest of antibiotics, with dangerous & deadly side effects, like Vancomycin, Cefepime etc., did not work (with MRSA), oil infused with healing from neem resolved the issue! And that’s just one ingredient, the oil includes several other potent ingredients to fight illnesses (information on slingstones page).
When sickness entered the world through disobedience to God — by choosing the wrong food, Adam and Eve covered their nakedness with a forage of leaves, however, God covered their entire skin, with skin. Now, why did he do that? He did so to protect this entity – the Human Skin – because of its importance in divine & natural healing.
Subsequently, we see throughout the revealed WORD, oil application on the skin was the means for bodily healing. Let me share just a few scriptures to validate:
James 5: 14-16: Are any sick among you? Let him call for the elders of the church and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. (…and we see much earlier in the scriptures that the” elders” were given the formulas to make these healing remedies)
In Isaiah 1: 6: Isaiah laments the gross deficiency of a rebellious nation which does not have soothing ointment or healing oils for the sick.
In Luke 10:34: The good Samaritan binds up the wounds of the abused man by pouring healing oil onto his wounds.
In Mark 14: 3-9: Jesus himself was anointed with oil to prepare him for the brutality of his crucifixion. This is why he rebukes the critiques and explains how the woman was indeed anointing him with the oil in preparation for his death and burial. The oil used was called Spikenard oil and is known for its anti-inflammatory properties to reduce muscle and tissue swelling, and anti-neuro-inflammation properties.
The human skin, which is part of the integumentary system is the largest organ in the body. It is also one that is in close proximity to all other organs and systems. It is made up of 3 main layers, the Epidermis, the Dermis and Hypodermis containing subcutaneous tissue. Arteries and veins carrying blood are carefully designed into the dermis and hypodermis layers of the skin. Immune cells such as Macrophages, Langerhans cells Lymphocytes, Mast cells, Dermal dendritic cells (dDC), Natural killer cells (NK), Plasmocytoid dendritic cells (pDC), Innate lymphoid cells (ILC), and T cells have been systematically placed within the layers of the skin. Among their various functions, these cells can detect healing ingredients when absorbed through the skin, and pass then on to the white blood cells. This is then carried to where needed through systemic circulation – an intricate bodily process carrying nutrients, O2, healing and removing CO2 and waste.
Lymphatic cells in the skin remove what is not needed and eliminate it through the excretory system (both the urinary and the sweat glands present in the skin). What is sent out through the skin is then easily disposed off through evaporation or washing/wiping of the outer layer.
Oil is an excellent medium to carry healing as it can be stored in the fat cells in the subcutaneous layer of the skin and transfused as needed. Also, the stratum corneum, the outermost layer of the epidermis, contains cells that are tightly interlocked forming a hydrophobic barrier preventing the entry of water-soluble ingredients. On the other hand, this layer is open to receiving fat-soluble ingredients. However, transdermal absorbency is maximized when the skin is not treated with harsh chemicals from continuous use of commercial soap and other toxins (which is why I requested the hospital not use their pores and hair follicle blocking lotion and soaps).
The other reason oil is a great carrier is that it is immune to spoilage or decay for a much longer time and when prepared in clay pots (because of the difference in the heat), it retains the synergy and wholeness of the ingredients, preserving potency, without breaking down or destroying integrity.
Some of the benefits of this system of delivery are:
- It is non-invasive – The process of applying oil to the skin does not cause pain or discomfort, instead, it is therapeutic and rejuvenating in and of itself.
- It utilizes the skin’s own natural and divine design to control and sustain the release of medicine as opposed to forcing the body to process all at the same time.
- Avoids metabolism of the drug through the digestive system, reducing the burden on the liver, kidneys and other digestive organs – increasing bioavailability and reducing the risks associated with drug interaction. Additionally, being a therapeutic method can increase willingness of use.
Through my experience in these four years with Sheka taking care of him and healing him completely, and my own subsequent illnesses as a result of his care, and cure, God taught and enabled me to develop healing for four out of the five categories of illnesses suffered by our race.
Category 1. Illnesses caused by inflammation, dysfunctionality and decay to organs in the 12 systems of the body.
Category 2. Cancer
Category 3. Infectious Disease
Category 4. Illnesses associated with Pain and Inflammation.
After Sheka’s passing, the Lord brought my attention to the passing of another fine gentleman in our community who had suffered from depression for a very long time. The Lord showed me that just like Sheka, his child Bradley, suffered from severe mental pain due to chronic depression and inspired me to create healing for this prevalent challenge of our time.
Category 5. Depression and Anxiety and other Mental Illness
Food, Drink, Prayer and Oil can also positively impact the functioning of the central nervous system and the mind.
For starters, the Holy Spirit taught me that just like feelings can be taken in through the skin, healing, by the application of oil and prayer can be taken in through the skin. Human touch, in and of itself has a powerful and positive impact on healing for all systems, but especially the mind.
With the inclusion of mental disorders, the work covers all the categories of illnesses, except for genetic disorders. The solution to the last category, in my opinion, lies in the effective solution to the ones mentioned before it.
These principles were the foundation for the healing Sheka experienced repeatedly, and subsequently all of us in our global community.
The oils are called ‘Slingstones’, a term inspired by the giants they helped us conquer. King David in the Bible, as a young man, used this simple strategy he knew to conquer the giant of his time! I grew up in a community and time where the majority did not suffer from any of these diseases – Cancer, COVID, Antibiotic resistant bacterial infection, etc., and yet, by using these simple yet profound revelations, I conquered these giants I faced.
The term itself came to me when reading Zechariah 9:15, (you must read the whole passage, it’s fascinating when fully understood!).
Earlier, I said I was going to discuss information pertaining to food and drink which are two other vital components of this system. As explained above, the efficacy of the oil is best experienced when the spirit is strengthened through prayer and the body is provided with the right or appropriate food and drink. Additionally, you can’t expect the oils to work by applying it on the skin and conversely throwing junk into the body. Unhealthy and junk food directly instigates the proliferation of the targeted illness by killing immune cells and depreciating the immune system’s innate ability to fight against these illnesses.
The body is indeed the temple of the Holy Spirit, it is sacred and must be treated as such.
The chart below outlines the different categories of foods with their corresponding healing potential. We can’t wait to bring to you cooking videos on how to use these ingredients to prepare nutritious and delicious food that is both nourishing and healing. – Yes, we are all about letting ‘food be our medicine and our medicine food’ a powerful saying attributed to Hypocrites – the father of medicine.
<Coming Soon>
The FDPO12 system was developed discerningly taking useful knowledge from the best of what all the current and different schools of medicine and science have to offer, so you will see the lights of Ayurveda (a 7000-year-old study of medicine), all the way to our modern school of medicine aka, ‘Western Medicine’. Its core inspiration however comes directly from the Holy Bible.
In conclusion, I’d like to briefly discuss our current situation as it pertains to the issue of human health, and quickly share some of my reasons for developing this program:
Cancer is the second leading cause of death, and in 2022 there were almost 20 million new cases and about 10 million deaths.
In the US alone, more than 57 million people currently suffer from agonizing disorders of the mind, most of which start off as depression, anxiety, paranoia, bi-polar, etc.
20.9% of the US adult population or 51.6 million people currently and actively suffer with chronic pain – that’s about 1 in 5 adults. Additionally, 7% of our population, or 17.1 million people, experience high-impact chronic pain.
The World Health Organization (WHO) has estimated a mortality rate of 875 million a year from infectious diseases, namely Malaria, Sexually transmitted diseases, tuberculosis and cholera (WHO 2010).
Globally, innumerable grown-ups and children suffer from ailments to the 12 systems of the body. At this time and era, this number cannot be quantified nor can the reason behind why we have not found a solution, explained.
I don’t know about you, but as a manufacturer, if I was facing this big of a problem, I would be the first one to inspect and reform processes till the desired outcome is achieved, and that is what I am trying to do here. I am trying to offer the world a system that has worked so well, over and over again (read the book to find out more), and could perhaps, just perhaps, work for others with the same goals – healing the ‘fearfully and wonderfully’ created human body.
If you were given such knowledge that has proven to work, many times over, would you not want to do the same…?
The current system of medicine is a complex and excellent school of study that has divided the human body into a million different pieces and studied it intricately through various animal and human testing, yielding some great results. The FDPO12 program is not meant to replace or eliminate your current medications or treatments, rather, it is a side-effects free model to strengthen & aid the body’s own ability to heal following a cosmic blueprint developed inside of you since your conception (your immune system). Close observation for signs of (faster) healing are to be carefully noted and documented as I did with Sheka and the rest of us.
This knowledge is made available to you for free, and the oils are made adhering to the strictest standards of hygiene, sanitation in a natural, sunlight rich environment and are made available to you at a very low cost. We do this because getting rich is not the goal. In fact, I think trying to get rich from people’s weaknesses or during their weakest time of illness is the worst form of business and has never survived the test of time. Also, most of the natural ingredients for healing… from the hyssop leaves to the holy basil are grown right in our greenhouse following practices that go beyond organic farming.
…And just in case you are wondering – of course we don’t test on animals and never will!
-In love & great hope for the world and all our futures,
Miriam Kattumuri