Warranty Replacement

Cracks happen very rarely if exposed to uneven heat or if it was exposed to high heat while it was saturated with water. Most cracks can be 'healed' by following these instructions. Having tried this if it still doesn't work, you can come back here to complete the form for a replacement.

I see some precipitation/leaking, I am not sure if my pot has a crack?

Some precipitation is normal when the pots are new, and will stop in a few uses. Bear in mind these are 100% natural pots without glazing or any kind of coating.  So if the pot is saturated with water some of it will come through, and does not mean it's has a crack.

If you're unsure of whether there is a crack, do the following:

Please turn the pot upside down and under sufficient light, inspect to see if there are any cracks on the bottom.  If you see any then look on the inside if that crack is coming through to the inside?

Note: It is common for some hairline cracks to show up on the outside bottom, the pot is still fine.

If you do see the crack both on the inside and outside follow these steps to heal the crack.

If there is no crack, as mentioned earlier, if the pot is saturated with water you might experience precipitation.  This happens if the pot was let to sit with water for sometime while washing, etc.  Or if you have been cooking “watery” recipes like a soup, stew, broth etc., without thoroughly drying it out in between a few uses.  In this case, you can dry the pot completely by doing the following:

Wash the pot, wipe it down with a cotton towel. Then dry the empty pot, without lid on stove top at lowest setting for 5-10 minutes to make sure it's completely dry.  You can know its fully dry by touching the rim to see if it feels warm (in about 10 minutes).  Then try cooking in it to see if you experience the precipitation.

Upon trying the "healing" method, if the leaking persists complete this form to receive a replacement:

    Answers to the following questions guide us to help you prevent this in the future:

    Date of purchase (MM/DD/YYYY) (if not sure of the actual date please give an estimate)


    Name on order:

    Item damaged (X-large pot, Large pot, Large pan etc.):

    What stove are you using? (gas/electric coil/electric glass or ceramic cook-top), and what temperature were you cooking at:

    What was cooking when this happened (e.g. beans for 1 hour or chicken stew, etc.):

    What kind of recipes do you cook in the pot, on average how long do they take? (e.g. rice -- takes 20 minutes or soups slow cooked for 6 hours etc.)

    What stove setting do you usually cook on (low, medium, high and explain e.g. start on low and raise to medium in 5 minutes etc.):

    Did you use a diffuser, if yes, which one: (Simmermat, Ilsa 7 inch or Norpro):

    Answer the following 3 questions only if you have used or were using the pot/pan in the oven when this happened, type N/A if not applicable:

    What temperature were you cooking at:

    Did you soak the pot in water before cooking, if yes for how long?:

    What were you cooking?:

    Please attach 4 pictures of the cracked pot
    One from the bottom, one from the top and one showing the crack on the inside, one showing the crack on the outside. (Valid Formats gif|jpg|png|bmp)

    Your message (any additional information):