Yogurt Making & Recipes

Make Yogurt at Home: Nutritious & Non-Toxic

Make Yogurt at Home: Nutritious & Non-Toxic

Your best yogurt can be made at home, you know why? Because you can make it in the most healthy and non-toxic way! The commercial prepared store bought version of yogurt pales in comparison to the taste, thickness and flavor offered by homemade yogurt in this method that we are about to teach you!

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Healthy & Aromatic Yogurt Rice Recipe

Yogurt rice is famous for its calming and comforting palate, especially in summer. Because it helps in digestion, yogurt rice is sometimes served at the end of main course meals. It is quite famous in South India where it is prepared in several different iterations. Here is one simple 20 minute recipe.

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Ways to Enjoy Yogurt Every Day!

Ways to Enjoy Yogurt Every Day!

Yogurt is a rich source of high-quality protein, some fat, and small amounts of lactose. It contains probiotics that are good for the gut system and overall digestive health. It is also good for healthy and strong bones, and combats high blood pressure. With MEC’s pots making yogurt is a simple 10 minutes hands-on process:

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