Healthy and Wholesome Millie Rice


Millie rice is a savory and wholesome meal that has its origins in South Africa. It is a combination of either rice or broken rice, coarsely ground corn, and a protein component – like black beans or other lentils. For this recipe, the preferred rice of choice is parboiled basmati rice: parboiled rice is a good source of calcium, fiber iron, and protein; and basmati grain is non-hybrid and non-GMO. These base ingredients are cooked with a selection of spices and herbs to make a hearty and healthy meal!

Of course, to make it even more nutritious, we added some delicious vegetables to the recipe that add a crunch with a burst of vitamins and minerals!

Cooking Time: 20-30 Minutes

Ingredients List:  

Base Ingredients (Carbs & Proteins):

  • 2 cups parboiled basmati rice (you can use a different kind, but adjust water quantity accordingly based on recommended ratio)
  • 1 cup coarsely ground corn meal, soaked overnight or at least for 2 hours before cooking
  • ½ cup black beans

Vegetables (Vitamins & Minerals):

  • 2 cups cauliflower
  • 1 cup potatoes
  • 1 cup green peas
  • 1 medium-sized onion, sliced thinly 

Spices and Herbs:

  • 2 bay leaf
  • 1 tsp. cumin seeds
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 1” ginger, peeled and crushed
  • 3 green chilies, slit down center
  • 3 cardamom pods
  • ½ tsp. turmeric powder
  • Pure cooking oil, as directed
  • Sea salt, to taste

Cooking Method: 

  1. In a small MEC pot, cook black beans in 3 cups water with lid closed on medium-low heat.
  2. Set a large or x-large MEC pot on stove and start stove on low if gas, or medium-low if electric. Add 1 Tbsp. of oil to pot, then add all spices and herbs (two at a time) by stirring into oil in pot. Cover and let pot heat up for 2-3 minutes. Add onions, stir, and cover for 5 minutes to cook.  
  3. Next, add rice and corn. Stir rice and corn in with spices, then cover and cook for 2-3 minutes. Add potatoes, stir, cover, and cook for 5 minutes. Add 6 cups water to pot [4 cups for rice, 2 cups for corn. Steam is retained inside so veggies can cook in steam – no need for additional water for vegetables]. Cover the pot. Increase heat to medium-low for gas, or medium on electric cooktops.  
  4. When rice is half-cooked, add cauliflower, green peas, and cooked black beans. Add 1 tsp. of oil and salt as needed. Stir once. Cover and cook until done. 
  5. Serve with savory mint yogurt or onion yogurt as a side!


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