clay roasting pot

How to Cook Rice & Other Grains

How to Cook Rice & Other Grains

Rice and grains have been a staple for countless generations across cultures all around the world. Not only do rice/grains offer its own health benefits, but you can top virtually any of your healthy meals over a bed of rice/grain. You can make many different kinds of rice and grains in MEC, here’s how:

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Clay Pot Chicken Cooking & Recipes

If you have arrived here, you must be someone who is aware of the distinct deliciousness of food cooked in clay and are perhaps looking for more recipes and information on this amazing cooking method. Maybe you tried a claypot chicken dish at a friend’s party, or bread made in a clay oven…
Whatever be the case, we have some delicious recipes from around the world cooked in clay, wise tips on choosing the right clay pot for cooking, and not to mention some delicious claypot chicken recipes!

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