Is It Necessary To Change Pots After Some Time? If Yes, How Long Would That Be?
When taken care of the right way, MEC pots can last a very long time. Some traditional clay cooks replace their pots once a year or at least once every 2 years, that is because it is believed that in this time the food would have extracted nutrients from the clay as needed (much of food today is nutritionally lacking to an extent because of the commercial growing and processing practices).
Another reason they replace the pot within this time frame is because the pot may have shrunk to a point where it can no longer fortify the food with oxygen. Being porous, the pot allows food to “take in” air, oxygenating the food while cooking, but it slowly shrinks over time and after many months of use the pores come together tightly allowing less and less air and oxygen to be taken in.
Those aware about the nutritional fortification and the pots ability to breathe change theirs every 1-2 years. However, the pot itself is functional and cooks your food even after this time period.