
Safest Cookware | Why Glazing Was Not An Option.

Safest Cookware | Why Glazing Was Not An Option.

So what is so bad and unsafe about this paint like substance and why is it strictly labeled “toxic, do not pour in the drain”? Glaze is a composition of about 10-17 different chemicals –different ones put together to form a ceramic paint that is toxic in its raw form and generates toxic fumes during firing. How much of it could then leach into food, and the harm thereof, was another big question?

Just out of curiosity, I searched some more to see if there were really any non-toxic glazes –surprisingly…

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Living Cancer Free: What Cookware to Use?

Is it just a coincidence or is there something more to the fact that many, many civilizations around the world that cooked and eat food from pure-clay pots were also cancer-free??

The community that I come from is living proof of this fact. I come from a community in South India and lived there 24 years of my life. I knew one person in all my years that had cancer (and that one person was a tobacco addict—so the connection there is obvious). And no, it’s not because people there couldn’t diagnose it—India is one place that a pressing health problem, especially one that has such drastic results, cannot go un-diagnosed. The medical science has been around for more than 4 to 5 thousand years.

I think it’s because by cooking in clay people were able to eliminate one main way for carcinogens…

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Healthy & Green Cookware

Healthy & Green Cookware

Many people think that cooking in clay pots is the new fad, but this is far from the truth. In fact, cooking with clay cookware dates back to our earliest and oldest civilizations. Despite the numerous differences with civilizations of the past, the one binding feature seems to have been their practice of cooking food in clay. From the Japanese in the East, to the Native Americans in the West, all our ancestors seemed to have shared this common ground.

While some may argue that they were probably not advanced enough to use other material, their expert use of metals like copper, bronze and iron, rule out this argument. For all we know, they might have had much more knowledge of the benefits of cooking in clay pots than we do today, and here is why:

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